
CONNECT with Taj
Family Land Soul Work Coach
Transformative Educator & Bodyworker
Bard of Cosmic Lore

A little about my journey to meet you here...
with a song and a prayer...

Every good journey begins in remembering. From primal innocence with enduring curiosity, I can't say life on this planet has been such an easy time. In fact, there's been a great deal of struggle here, where I've been shaped and moved, though nonetheless lifted and cultured by the play of deep lessons learned. I carry knowledge gained from old ones passed and childhood lost—and I imagine your story shows this pattern as well.
I grew up in the the ancestral lands of Coast Salish peoples, a place called Vancouver Island, with stunningly beautiful mountains, forests, rivers, and ocean. I have benefited from the pains of many Indigenous Earth tribes, receiving health and wealth in places I've called home, in lands stolen from Coast Salish, Anishinaabe, Mohawk, Nisenan, Hawai'ian, and Chinook peoples. Amidst the traumatized backdrop of colonial neuroses, I experienced youthful skin burned by the hot stove and scraped by stark pavement. Becoming aware of my culture and humanity, the life passage has pushed me through shyness, angst, and guilt toward picking up my share of the modern ecological responsibility. Continuing to pursue the tart and sweet fruits of nature, I've been cut by wild brambles along the way, yet through and through gratitude remains for the deep regenerative love of land and family.
Along the way I have been called a son, a brother, an uncle, and a husband, a student and a teacher, a singer and a songwriter, an employee and a boss. Many phases of this journey have been riddled with doubt, yet each has provided dark necessary soil for the seeds of a greater life's wisdom. The organic pathway has pruned and nurtured my growth with systems of Yoga, Waldorf education, Indigenous ceremony, and Integral practice. I am grateful to live in a body of Mother Earth, nourished by ancestral Celtic and Métis cultures. I am grateful to have Father Sky’s freedom song playing through me, a directional guide home through the worldly maze.
For a long time I've heard a clear and consistent message from Spirit, corroborated by Indigenous prophecy around the whole world, telling that a sequence of great Earth changes is being initiated in our time. While the awakening process will continue to churn up challenges of latent fears and forgotten karma, it is happening to bring out the best qualities of our life and humanity. My message is thus, that opening your mind allows this time to become harmonious, that opening your heart reveals a tender yet grounding rhythm that ancestors have kept for you, and working together, your purpose can be fed by a loving commitment of resilience and remembrance.
These days, my offerings are focused around Family Land Soul Work, which can be found either online or on location in the Pacific Northwest (Ancestral Chinook Lands - Portland area). I am currently serving one-on-one clients as a Somatic Coach and Structural Integration bodyworker, and groups as a co-facilitator of The Integral Earthship, The Ecstatic Heart Brotherhood, and Community Medicine gatherings, as well as a guest instructor at the CIIS Transformative Leadership Department, and a songleader in local Kirtan and Heartsong spaces. I invite the possibility to journey here rooted together, in mutual offering, where each of us may collect the fruits of love, wellbeing, and abundance. The seeds have already been planted...
Please reach out to me if you feel the calling. E-mail taj@transformativerelations.com
Until then,
I'll See you on the Inside
in Love and Service,

Degrees, Trainings, & Initiations:​
Grief Tending Mentorship
Sacred Groves (2024)
Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy
The Embody Lab (2022)
Indigenous Allyship
Heart to Heart Indigenous Relations (2022)
Rolf Structural Integration
TensegrityU (2021)
MA, Transformative Leadership
California Institute of Integral Studies (2021)
Multiple Subject Teacher Credential
California State University (2018)
Waldorf Teaching Certificate
Rudolf Steiner College (2017)
Yoga Teacher Training
Kundalini Research Institute (2010)
New Warrior Training
Mankind Project (2009)
Essential Foundations Yoga Training
Agama Yoga (2007)
BA, English & History
Vancouver Island University (2006)

"We can fly with our feet on the ground." ~ Taj

Here we are now,
with the conscious potential to co-create a good life
given by our creative Spirit,
through our collective dreaming.
I believe each of us can find here the abundant culture within natural belonging,
inherently resilient, sensible, and passionate in our bodies.
It is a gift that bestows gratitude for the ones who came before us
and responsibility to keep growing, and dreaming,
for the ones who will come next.